Halloween Playlists
Planning on watching horror movies in celebration of halloween? Below are halloween playlists tailored to numerous different horror movie tastes. Whether you like serial killers, zombies, comedy, blood or horror of a more psychological focus, there is a playlist below for you. Feel free to comment on our selections and add in your own by discussing this post in the forum or sending us a message in the Your Say section.
Sick & Gory
Do you like your horror films as sick and gory as possible? Then this is the Halloween playlist for you...

Two teenagers find a female zombie tied up and hidden in an abandoned mental asylum...their first thought? Why have sex with her of course. Containing a scene where somebody poops out their intestines, Deadgirl is a film with a shocking subject matter and equally shocking moments of horror. With a Donnie Darko style soundtrack and a strangely sick yet sweetly presented conclusion, Deadgirl will certainly be one of the more memorable films that you ever see.
The Human Centipede

Is there anybody unaware of this film? A mad doctor sows three human beings together butt to mouth in order to create...a human centipede. Sickest scene and the film’s most infamous is the one in which inevitably, somebody needs to poo. Having two poo related sickest scenes in a row was not intentional.

You could count the whole Saw series, however the first is the only I have seen all the way through and am informed is the only one worth seeing all the way through. With its brilliant ending and simple set-up, this film encapsulates the good things we will remember about the Saw series...the music, the catchphrase (“I want to play a game...”) and the character of Jigsaw (The horror “Monster” of this generation?) without too much of the excessive gore and paper thin stories, that supposedly plagued the sequels. Sickest scene is the one which set the tone for the rest of the series, Dr. Gordon sawing off his foot in order to escape.
Do you like your horror served with an equal mix of laughs? Do you like films that deconstruct and poke fun at the genre they are a part of, yet still function brilliantly as an entry into that genre? Then this is the list for you...
The Cabin in the Woods

The most recent entry on this list and already considered a modern horror/comedy classic. I would argue this film actually functions better as a comedy than a horror, with the comedy being funnier than the horror is scary. This would actually be the perfect film to end your Halloween horror night on, it deconstructs the genre you’ve spent the night watching, provides some comic relief, and ends on perhaps the craziest and most definitive note of any film ever.
Shaun of the Dead

Another modern classic and one of my favourite films. Again this is more of a comedy than a horror, however there are plenty of gory zombie moments and jump scares to ensure this is not a completely tame affair.

Along with Cabin, this is perhaps the best comment on the Horror genre ever. With what is in my opinion one of the best opening scenes of all time, a brilliantly done whodunnit mystery and a character every film fan can relate to in Randy, Scream is one of my favourite films of all time. Laying out the “rules” of the genre, Scream is directed by Wes Craven (A Nightmare on Elm Street) and therefore is the scariest film on this list. It’s terrible that the awful Scary Movie series has ruined the look of the killer in this for my generation.
“Jason” (Jason’s mum really...), Freddy and Michael (Myers not Dalton...and not Austin Powers, Mike Myers...Michael Myers) This is the halloween playlist for those who like their iconic serial killers and boogeymen.
Friday the 13th (Original & First 15 Minutes of the Remake)

This has unintentional laughs due to many dated elements, however it also has one of the most famous jump scares of all time. No “slasher” list is complete without this film and while this entry doesn’t contain Jason, or the hockey mask, it’s still Friday the 13th.
-Watch the first fifteen minutes of the remake...however as soon as the first batch of teenagers are disposed of, you’ve seen the best that it has to offer.
-Watch the first fifteen minutes of the remake...however as soon as the first batch of teenagers are disposed of, you’ve seen the best that it has to offer.
A Nightmare on Elm Street (Original)

Another from Wes Craven. From the haunting nursery rhyme (1, 2 Freddy’s coming for you...) through to the ending..A Nightmare on Elm Street is a classic, perfect horror film. Freddy Krueger is not just one of the best, most inventive and most haunting villains ever entered into the horror genre, but of any genre.
Halloween (Original)

You can’t not watch Halloween on halloween...come on. One of the best pieces of horror music of all time, a classic opening and an ending that sent a chill down my spine and REALLY freaked me out...even though I was watching it during the day. It may be “slow” by today’s standards and a tad repetitive, but this a CLASSIC horror that any fan of the genre owes it to themselves to watch.
- These are the horror films which are of a quieter, slower, creepier and more psychological nature. They could be awkwardly shoved into a sub-genre, however I believe the films below defy categorization into any particular horror sub-genre.

Not just one of the best horror films of all time but one of the best films of all time. Some may argue this a slasher film, however I disagree. It may have inspired the godfather of slasher films, Halloween, however Psycho in and of itself is not a slasher movie. From its iconic shower scene through to its twist ending and terrifying conclusion (Which our Minister for Foreign Affairs Arnaud Trouve rightfully included in his scariest scenes of all time list) Psycho is a faultless and timeless classic. The setting of the Bates Motel is also the one that I decided to be the cover photo for this Halloween section and horror month
The Shining

Another film that is not just a classic horror film, but a classic film. A scientific study by a university actually found this film to be the scariest film ever made. In many ways this is a true horror film as it deals with haunting ideas and imagery rather than in jump scares. This is a film which will get inside your mind and stay there for years, a film that you will constantly revisit and each time find yourself hypnotized by Kubrick’s maddening and meticulous vision. The Overlook Hotel also competes with (And perhaps beats) The Bates Motel as the scariest, fictional place you could stay at. If an ultimate horror theme park were to be made, the on-site hotels would have to be replicas of The Bates Motel and this film’s Overlook Hotel.
Demons & Children
Not a fan of kids? Watch these movies and have your fears confirmed and heightened.

The most recent film on this list and one of the scariest films of recent times. Another film that had the honour of having one of its scenes included in our Minister for Foreign Affairs, Arnaud Trouve’s scariest scenes of all time list. Seeing this in the cinema was one of the best cinematic experiences I have had.
The Exorcist

Another horror classic that you can’t not include. A very disturbing film, the reaction to which upon its release I wish I had been able to experience first-hand. It may be a long time until we get a horror film that was this successful and influential.
The Omen (Original)

The decapitation scene and the ending are two iconic horror scenes. A very creepy film that while dated is still timeless in its own way.
Spend your days playing zombie mode on Black Ops? Is The Walking Dead your favorite TV show? If so this is the halloween playlist for you.
28 Days Later & 28 Weeks Later

Two great, gory, exciting and politically based “zombie” films that very much re-ignited the genre upon its release. I’m making a big and potentially false statement however...running zombies started here. And yes, I know they’re not really zombies, they’re infected.

Yes this perhaps belongs in comedy/horror, however it isn’t good enough to break into that particular top three, however it is one of my favourite zombie films and therefore worthy of this top 3. It is no Shaun of the Dead in terms of quality and comedy, but it may be a slightly more accomplished “Zombie” movie, what with its Scream like rules of how to survive a Zombie movie. It also has one of the best cameos of all time.
Night of the Living Dead & Dawn of the Dead

Haven’t actually seen them but, they’re classics and I know enough about them to know that you can’t exclude them from a zombie list. Culturally significant and incredibly influential.
And Sam Raimi...
A playlist created so I could awkwardly shove in one of my favourite horror films of all time.
The Evil Dead & The Evil Dead 2

Been a while since I’ve seen Evil Dead, however if I’d seen it recently it may have been a BIG contender for the comedy/horror section. Check out Raimi’s down and dirty, simple and inspirational originals before the slicker remake hits next year.
Drag Me To Hell

One of my favourite horror films of all time, that this Sam Raimi section was created to include. One of my best cinematic experiences and an example of horror filmmaking at its best. This, along with Scream and Halloween is for me personally, required halloween viewing.