In “Band of Outsiders”, two idiosyncratic amateur crooks, Franz and Arthur convince a young student, Odile, to commit a robbery. During their adventures, they slip in and out of old Hollywood B-movie tropes, explore their relationship with each other and try to sit in silence for a full minute.
There is a plot, but it serves as a guideline for the films actual artistic progress. Band of Outsiders is a true work of art, presentation over substance, and it works as such. It works because of the genius that is Jean-Luc Godard. Godard’s imagination seems unlimited in its resources, his approach to filmmaking is fresh and fun, there is an energy present that lacks in a few of his subsequent films.
If you are interested in finding out the answer to these questions, I advise you watch Band of Outsiders.
By Movie Parliament Minister for History,
Leonhard Balk