Director: Rawson Marshall Thurber
Starring: Jason Sudeikis, Jennifer Anniston, Emma Roberts, Will Poulter, Nick Offerman, Kathryn Hayn and Ed Helms
Review Written By: Michael Dalton (Prime Minister)
We’re the Millers is a very predictable and at times cheesy film, however it was much more entertaining and warm hearted than I expected. There are no surprises and everything can be seen coming a mile away, however it is boosted by a likable cast and has an ultimate heart that some may find cheesy and detrimental, yet I found endearing and helpful, given the nastiness of many films of a similar ilk. The central concept has a lot of promise and the potential to satirize the perception and construction of both family and the war on drugs. However this film never fully realizes that potential and while we have a perfectly acceptable comedy, you feel as if this same set-up could have produced a much edgier, more interesting film than the one we got. For too much of the running time, it could be anything they’re transporting instead of drugs and it feels as if there was more to mine from this concept than they could come up with.
As well as the concept perhaps not being fully exploited for all its worth, the humour is also at times a bit too reference reliant. Too many of the jokes in this film seem to be simply referring to other films or celebrities. It’s almost as if at times the filmmakers couldn’t think of original material and relied on mentioning other stuff that the audience knows about and therefore they’ll get it and find it funny. The film is also, to borrow a key word from the film, a smidge too long. At just under two hours, the film could have been much tighter.
Jason Sudeikis is an actor I find likable and funny therefore I was happy to see him lead and carry this film. He has a relatable comedic presence that sells some of this film’s weaker humour and keeps us engaged by and believing in his character. Will Poulter plays his role well and along with Emma Roberts doesn’t overdo what could have been a rather annoying and unrealistic character. Jennifer Aniston is fine and does what the role requires of her; it’s just a shame that the role requires her to take her clothes off and doesn’t really give her much to work with comedy wise. Nick Offerman (Of Parks and Recreation fame) is great in his little turn, though I hope one day we’ll see him in something where he isn’t basically playing his Parks and Recreation character, Ron Swanson. Mark L. Young is also worth mentioning as Scottie P., “Know what I’m saying…”
Overall We’re the Millers has its problems. It’s reference reliant, predictable, cheesy, doesn’t fully mine is concept, is a bit too long and underserves Jennifer Aniston. However despite all of that I enjoyed the film a lot. It’s not hilarious, not the best comedy this year and nowhere near as good as something like Dodgeball. It is however a perfectly acceptable, entertaining comedy movie that does have some laughs, likable actors and a heart.

Movie Parliament Rating: MINORITY GOVERNMENT
By Movie Parliament Prime Minister,
Michael Dalton
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